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Model & Object 🔨

A collection of tools & scripts for modifying in game geometry, skeletal information, shaders & more.

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WWE 2K22 & 2K23 MDL Model Scripts | HanleysFramer

Blender IO Scripts to support the MDL 3D model file type of WWE 2K22 & WWE 2K23

                        Blender                   Download Here

Crowd Positional Data I/O | Grix

Two Python scripts that can import and export arena audience DAT files.

3ds Max  Download Here

Arena Lights I/O | Grix

Contains a custom 3ds Max modifier, that is used with the primary max script. This allows arena modders to import lights from 2K arenas into 3ds Max, and then export with their modified versions.

3ds Max  Download Here

YOBJ 3ds Max Importer | Xentax, Tekken57

With this script, modders are able to import YOBJ, JBOY models from WWE 2K games into 3ds Max. This version also imports with correct bone weight data.

3ds Max  Download Here

Skeleton Tools | Grix

This script is for advanced users who modify skeleton and bone information for characters. With this script, a modder is able to reposition bone(s) to match a custom armature of their own; there is also functionality to export the scene selected skeleton to a format compatible for YOBJ/JBOY injection.

3ds Max  Download Here

CE Editor | Pozzum, PerfectPlex, Tekken57, AznBlusuazn

Enables modders to edit masking (hidden areas) information found in uncompressed 00CE.BIN files. This tool can also import custom mask data that was exported from the mask export script.

Download Here

Masking Display Import | Tekken57

Used in conjunction with CE Editor, this script will display the masking information provided from CE Editor. 

3ds Max  Download Here

reShape | Grix

A free alternative to X-Rey. This tool is now deprecated due to development ceasing. ReShape is a very barebones model editor for 2K games, allowing for import/export of models, shader customization and the unrendering of unwanted objects.

Download Here

X-Rey $ Commercial | Tekken57 

X-Rey is a common tool used by character modders. This tool allows for the injection of facial animations, the manipulation of shaders, and the unrendering of unwanted objects. Newer versions of X-Rey now also support the ability to create custom YOBJ objects.

Purchase Here