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Rules for Wiki Editors

The rules below will be strictly enforced. Please review before contributing content to the Wiki. 

Rules for Wiki Editors

These rules are important for maintaining the integrity of our wiki. They serve as a foundation for all contributors to ensure the quality and legality of the content. Failure to adhere to these rules will result in consequences.

  1. No self-promotion: This wiki is not a platform for self-promotion. Do not use it to advertise your mods, YouTube channel, or any personal endeavors. This rule will be strictly enforced.
  2. Do not post copyrighted material: Posting copyrighted material, including images or videos, is strictly prohibited. Doing so places this website and its owners at legal risk. Any user found posting copyrighted material will have their editing privileges immediately and permanently revoked.
  3. Do not post other people's content: Do not post content created by others without proper authorisation. Verification of permission is impossible, so refrain from using someone else’s work.
  4. Do not spam or post low-quality material: Think of this as an encyclopedia or a knowledge base for future modders. Prioritise quality in your contributions. Proofread your content and avoid submitting low-quality material to the best of your ability.
  5. Maintain a professional tone in all contributions: Avoid swearing, slang, or any form of vulgar or offensive content. This rule is non-negotiable.
  6. All original content published on this wiki is considered public domain: By contributing, you release your work to the public domain. This allows other contributors to revise, edit, or rework the content as needed.
  7. No Discrimination: Discriminatory content, including but not limited to racism, sexism, or any form of prejudice, will not be tolerated.
  8. Be Respectful and Constructive:
    Maintain a respectful attitude when engaging with other contributors. Constructive criticism is encouraged, but personal attacks or harassment will not be tolerated.
  9. Avoid Misleading Information:
    Ensure that the information you provide is accurate and reliable. Misleading or false information is detrimental to the integrity of the wiki.
  10. Use Proper Citations:
    When referencing external sources, provide proper citations to give credit to the original creators and uphold academic standards.
  11. Follow Legal Guidelines:
    Adhere to all relevant legal guidelines and regulations, including intellectual property and privacy laws.
  12. No Malicious Intent:
    Contributions with malicious intent, including harmful scripts or content, will be not tolerated.
  13. Keep Topics Relevant:
    Stick to topics related to wrestling game modding and avoid unrelated subjects.
  14. Report Violations:
    If you encounter a violation of these rules, report it promptly to the moderators for appropriate action.
  15. Continual Improvement:
    This rulebook is subject to updates and refinements for the betterment of the wiki. Contributors are encouraged to provide feedback and suggestions for rule enhancements.